Thursday, 5 November 2009

One small step...

Thank goodness I had shorts to fit!


  1. Wow, vertical TM, well done. :)


  2. You know what they say: a journey of a thousand miles... Well done you - can't believe you're mobile barely 24 hours after the knitting needle was taken out. Keep up the good work.

  3. Well done!

    Does this mean that we're going to get photos showing parts of the hospital now?

  4. Yay, progress, great news!

  5. Hooray!!! Great to see you on your feet!!

  6. Glad to see you upright, now can you go and get some real food? or are you still incarcerated in the hospital?

    Good going, like the zippy frame, expect to see that design improved shortly...xx

  7. That is fantastic. I bet there were days when you never thought this would happen. See - the power of good wishes! Or since I've started T'ai Chi, perhaps I should put it down to the power of your fans' collective chi.

  8. Blimey - you don't hang about do you - am shocked to see you walking about already! Is this a pic of you making for the exit before anyone notices that you've escaped.....hee hee(we won't tell anyone...)

  9. It's ........... Zimmer Frame Man! :-)

    Nice one my son, good on ya. :-)

  10. Well that's amazing, bet you feel knackered!
    Take care, don't overdo things if you want to be home for sunday lunch (please note I didn't say which one).
    All the best Z

  11. That must feel SO good (even if it hurts).
    Take it easy.

  12. congrats you brave funny man, but how come only 1 slipper, is it anything to do with elf and safety, or is it maybe to prevent you from escaping, so good to see you actually up and about.

  13. Are you suffering from vertigo now that you are upright ! Gratz and I hope for a speedy recoverey.

  14. Three cheers for you, XTM - walking about already!! Your strength most certainly derives from your regular partaking of salmon bagels. Now you can wade along to the bar and have a decent coffee, and later you can wade to the loo, or walk under the shower!! What a vast improvement of life quality. Will you go checking out the kitchens? Best wishes! Here it has stopped snowing. Barbara (Styria)

  15. oh wow - an upright citizen!!!!!!!!!

    Mrs ETM's food and everyone's good wishes (and a little help from NHS) and see where it gets you!!!

    Well done


  16. Fantastic! It's so GOOD to know you're up and about and walking! It must be incredible to be out of that darned bed and to have a vertical view of the world.

    You will improve in leaps and bounds now .. well perhaps not leaps and bounds so much as a brief stagger and a wobble but ya known wot I mean :-)

    This is soooo good to see.


  17. Oh my goodness the once Traction Man, this is wonderful, how does it feel to be standing up, you must be overjoyed, I am overjoyed for you, I should imagine you never thought it would ever happen at times, so happy for you TM, I really am.

  18. Great news! This means that you may now be able to forage for your own food rather than being forced to rely on what others bring you!
    This is wonderful news!

    First steps are always difficult. They will get easier, thankfully!

  19. It looks impressive... but let me tell you that those were the hardest steps I have ever taken in my life. Sheer grit and bloody mindedness was what did it :-) ANd the thought of a decent meal, of course. It'll be a while yet but one step at a time. The two sandals/slippers are there because me legs are different lengths. Thank you to everyone for your kind messages. You helped me get this far...

  20. Well done that man! Good to see you upright and mobile. Dont worry about the uneven legs - mine have been different lengths for 35 years now - you kinda get used to it. When I first tried to swim I swam around in a complete circle. LOL.

  21. Oh look at you! I'm so pleased for you x

  22. I wouldn't say those shorts fitted as such.

  23. Well done TM, it's good that you are now able to stand up and take a few steps. One small step etc etc. Feel very proud of yourself...... you have come a long way.


  24. Very well done TM, sheer hope and determination and us lot cheering you on , in prayer or wishes.

    Forward and onward, you have been to hell for a vacation , now it has to be forward to bliss. I for one will look forward to your future memoirs and books to purchase as I am sure others will as well.


  25. Oh wow. I know how difficult those steps were! I had a hip replacement 18 months ago (was 31 at the time) and the first steps I took after that were heartstoppingly scary. Still it's amazing how quickly you move along (incidentally the 70 year old who had the op the same day as me was up and down the ward on crutches 2 days before me - the shame of it!).

  26. Must feel great to be vertical again!
    Good job!

  27. HE'S UPRIGHT!! How does the world look from such a position?????

    Congrats, not only on weathering the storm of the past several months, but on making such a quick return to form post removal of the knitting needle. Don't overdo it - I know you won't - the thought of where you've been will prevent you from taking risks, right!!

    All the best in your recovery.

  28. I suppose your cover is blown now...the photographers will now know which poor sod to point their cameras at!
    Congrats on being's a whole new world eh!


  29. Lovely to see you up TM - I guess it may be hard going for a little while, but you've managed so well so far that I bet you just treat it all as just another challenge. You really have shown such a lot of determination and been so good humoured about all the problems you have experienced that you have my admiration. Well done!
    Your Canberra fan (charm)

  30. TM,

    It is wonderful to see your pic . One step at a time day at a time . You are doing very well . Even though I'm sure you feel quite unsteady and weak , just be kind to yourself and take good care .

    Keep us posted

    Thinking about you,

    Moira (Canada)

  31. I was so happy when I saw you up and about that I laughed!

  32. WooHoo, good stuff ETM. Good to see you up and about! Maybe you can be a roving reporter now and get the feedback of the other unfortunate soles subject to the same slop, I mean food, as you are being made to endure :-)
    Stay strong!

  33. Good man. Long and winding road and all that, but the first steps are taken. A daily march to the canteen seems in order, followed later by excursions to local restaurants.

  34. hmmmm what a set of pins .... well done TM .. keep up the good work

    Jill, Belfast

  35. Bravo! Vertical at last, well done and long many your recoveries continue!


  36. Hey, Steve Cole here, remember the one that was in the Royal Free for 9 months. Good to see you on your feet, gee it took me 6 years to get where you are now, keep it up and don't be disapointed if you don't do everything yet , it will all come in time.

    Good luck buddy

    Steve Cole

  37. Hi Steve

    we were waiting in a room ttogether weren't we? Was it an x-ray. My mind is a bit clouded still.


  38. And forward you shall go.Rest in between bouts and heal.Light,Love and Healing to you

  39. I'm just catching up with bits I've missed in your blog and saw this picture. Am so pleased to see you up and about though I know it must be bloody sore. Take care. Hope you're out of there soon x

  40. I don't think I could ever have imagined such a simple function as walking so near impossible and painful beyond belief. I still can't imagine walking again from how it feels now to even try and stand up with a frame. If I can get back to walking normally it will be a miracle. And I don't use that term lightly.
